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March 10 - 14

Theresa is shaken by Julian and Rebecca's threats.
Fox worries to Theresa about what Rebecca might do to her.
Theresa sees another side of Fox.
Sheridan has a nightmare about Antonio.
Luis and Antonio are alarmed when they can't find Sheridan.
TC and Eve find Simone destroying Whitney's bedroom.
Whitney confirms to TC that she and Chad have been lovers.
Chaos abounds at the Russell house when TC and Eve learn about Chad and Whitney.
TC forbids Whitney from seeing Chad.

TC throws Chad out of the house.
Grace and Sam attempt to work out their problems.
Ivy tries to prevent Grace and Sam from talking about their problems.
A naked Ivy waits for Sam.
Eve blames Chad for everything that is wrong.
Sheridan flees from a disguised Beth.
Luis, Antonio, and Sheridan chase the person who is after Sheridan.

Grace is irritated when Sam helps Ivy out.
TC will not allow Whitney or Simone to date Chad.
TC is shocked when Eve comes down on his behavior.
Liz comforts TC regarding the chaos in his family.
Kay and Tabitha watch the Russell family fall apart.
Tabitha and Kay see yet another dancing baby!
Luis and Antonio search for Sheridan's attacker.

Beth tells her mother her intentions.
Mrs. Wallace meets her new caretaker.
Eve tells TC that Whitney will not play in the tennis match.
Eve and TC disagree on how to handle the situation with Whitney.
Eve blasts T.C. for failing to believe the truth.
Julian kicks Theresa out of Crane Industries.
Ethan tells Theresa that she has been fired.

Liz happily watches Eve's family begin to crumble.
TC lashes out at Eve.
TC and Eve fight over Whitney's match.
Eve argues with T.C. about allowing their daughter to play tennis.
Luis and Sheridan begin to tell Antonio the truth.
Theresa forges on with her plans.
Theresa tells Ethan she'd give up the Crane name for him.
Julian's evidence against Theresa arrives!!


Theresa discovers another side of Fox.
Julian and Rebecca celebrate over news that could bring down Theresa.
Luis reassures Antonio after a nightmare.
Beth plots Sheridan's demise.
Chad and Whitney admit to her family that they're a couple.
Ivy interrupts Grace and Sam as they try to reconcile.
TC blames Chad for destroying his daughters' lives.
Kay and Tabitha watch the fallout in the magic bowl.
Sheridan runs for her life. Ivy flirts with Sam.
Beth tells her mom that she's even more determined to kill Sheridan.
Ethan comforts Theresa over her job situation.
Julian drops a major bomb.
Eve and TC fight over Whitney's upcoming tennis match.
Luis and Sheridan begin to tell Antonio the truth.


March 17 - 21

Beth leaves her mother in the care of Precious the Orangutan.
Julian interrupts Theresa's big announcement.
Julian orders Theresa to leave the mansion!
TC berates Eve for not caring enough about her family.
Luis and Sheridan try to explain their relationship to Antonio.

Liz predicts she'll have an easy time stealing away Eve's family.
Mrs. Wallace is left alone with Precious.
Julian counts down the remaining time for Theresa at the mansion.
Julian tries to throw Theresa out of the mansion.

Sheridan receives shocking news.
TC vows to keep Chad away from his daughters.
Liz accuses Eve of being a bad mother.
Julian calls security to have Theresa thrown off the estate.

Chad is almost caught by TC while visiting Whitney.
Kay offers advice to Simone.
Bruce tells his story to Alistair.

Ethan makes a call to confirm Julian's claims.
Luis considers a question that could change everyone's lives.


March 10 - 14

Lexie begs Tony not to take the law into his own hands.
Bo visits Larry in his cell and tries to strangle him.
Hope freaks out when she comes face to face with Larry.
Alice takes the stand at Larry's hearing.
Victor assures Nicole that her nightmare is just beginning.
Shawn returns from practice and finds Belle in his bed.
Jennifer abruptly leaves Jack at the sentencing.
Abby gets a new, African pet.
Jennifer panics at the sight of Bill's gift to Abby.

Tony's death threat affects Larry's plea bargain.
Victor confronts Tony about the death threat.
John puts his spy gadgets to good use.
John sneaks into the DiMera mansion and plants a bug.
Jack tells Abby that he and Jennifer plan to remarry.

Belle begins to suspect that Cassie is following her.
Bo takes Hope on vacation to forget her worries.
Bo sweeps Hope off to the St. Luke's Carnival.
Brady makes Chloe a special promise.
Brady reaffirms his love for Chloe.
Tony and Bart discover John's bug.
Victor and Tony make a devilish deal.

Mimi and Rex share a kiss at the carnival.
Sami panics when she realizes someone else knows her secret.
Roman informs Sami and Brandon he disapproves of their living arrangements.
Sami defends herself to Roman.
Bo and Roman take steps to reconcile their differences.
Kate and Hope call a truce.
Tony discovers surveillance gear in the mansion.
Tony orders Bart to search for Rolf.

Belle gets a surprise when she calls Shawn.
Marlena confronts John about his whereabouts.
Marlena blasts John for his secret spy game.
Rex accuses Tony of wanting Marlena all to himself.
Brady helps Chloe deal with her first treatment.
Roman digs into Kate's past.


Larry is sentenced.
Bill sends Jack, Jennifer and Abby a present from Africa.
Bart tells Tony that Rolf has disappeared.
Shawn and Belle come close to making love.
John begins surveillance of Tony.
Jack and Jennifer let Abby know that they plan to remarry.
The St. Luke's carnival arrives in Salem.


March 17 - 21

Jack attends a press conference held by Carson Palmer.
Jack becomes suspicious of Carson.
Jennifer tells her father she and Jack plan to remarry.
Roman believes there might be someone promoting gang activity in Salem.
Bo becomes concerned about increased gang activity.
Victor drags Nicole along to a hospital board meeting.

Bo learns another gang member has been released from jail.
Belle has a heart-to-heart talk with John about Shawn.
Marlena urges Rex to pursue his feelings for Mimi.
Chloe is feeling sick from her chemotherapy.
Nancy brings Joy to visit Chloe.

Tony talks to Marlena over dinner at the Blue Note.
Brandon and Sami argue over a joint checking account.
Abe and Lexie attend a Lamaze class.

Marlena and Tony interrogate Rolf about the twins.
Carson accuses Roman and Bo of working for Victor.
Victor takes an interest in the gang situation.
Nicole bursts into Victor's bedroom while he's taking care of some illegal business.
Jack and Jennifer enjoy a romantic evening.

Rolf confirms that the twins were part of Stefano's plan.
Cassie passes out at the pub.
Sami is upset about Brandon's obsession with Lexie.