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Friday, March 7
Mrs. Wallace frantically tries to save the day. Beth's plans to kill Sheridan are foiled again. Beth goes after her mother.

Tabitha watches gleefully as events with Simone, Chad, and Whitney explode. Tabitha is stunned when a new dancing baby arrives. Kay realizes Tabby is pregnant. At the studio, Simone lashes out hatefully at Whitney. Chad tries to tell Simone the truth, but she won't listen. Whitney fears how her father will react. Meanwhile, TC and Eve argue over Whitney and her life. TC won't believe Whitney wants anything but tennis. Liz continues to plot, and Tom gives her a warning.

Thursday, March 6

While Sheridan waits for tests to be done, she and Luis spend some time together. Antonio nearly walks in on them.

TC and Eve argue over Whitney's future, but then turn to more romantic matters. Meanwhile, Liz gets a surprise visitor from her past. Liz explains her plan to Tom.

Chad and Whitney happily celebrate their reunion as they make love. Tabitha sends a clueless Simone to see what Chad is up to at the recording studio. Tabitha and Kay watch the events unfold in a magic bowl of water. Simone gets the shock of her life!

Wednesday, March 5

TC is disappointed when Eve gets caught up at the hospital. Liz plays on TC's sympathy to get some attention.

Chad and Whitney happily reconnect after he almost gets hurt in the fire. They head back to the recording studio to make love.

At the hospital, Eve works on an unconscious Sheridan as Luis waits worriedly. Beth hopes Sheridan will die. Antonio learns what happened and rushes to his wife's side. Everyone wonders who is trying to kill Sheridan.

Julian is shocked when he realizes Rebecca's informant is Tom Joyner, a disgruntled ex-Crane Industries employee. Tom holds a gun on Julian, looking to make him pay for his past misdeeds. Rebecca tries to convince Tom not to kill Julian and to go through with their deal. The information about Theresa stuns Julian.

Tuesday, March 4

Chad gives Whitney an ultimatum ­ if she doesn't tell everyone about their relationship, he's taking the job in LA. Whitney reluctantly tells him to take the job. A tearful Whitney runs into Julian, who lends a sympathetic ear.

Theresa continues to contribute millions to charity. Ethan is pleased, but Gwen is suspicious of her motives. Rebecca agrees to meet with her mysterious informant to get the goods on Theresa.

Grace lays down the law with Ivy. Ivy stands firm as she and Grace face off.

As the cottage continues to burn down, Luis frantically tries to free Sheridan, who is trapped under a beam. Beth prays they both die. Luis refuses to leave without Sheridan. Chad, Gwen, Ethan, Theresa and Fox race down to the cottage and try to put out the fire. They spot the gasoline can and realize someone set the fire on purpose. A surprising hero comes to Luis and Sheridan's rescue.

Monday, March 3

Sam and Grace get Ivy settled into their garage apartment. Grace is wary about Ivy staying with them and her fears escalate when she has a premonition of Sam and Ivy making love. Sam privately confronts his ex about whether or not she is plotting to steal him from Grace.

Theresa begins giving Crane millions away to various charities. A worried Julian and Rebecca pray their informant will come through soon.

Chad fills Ethan in on his and Whitney's break up. Ethan encourages his friend to talk to her. Meanwhile, Theresa offers the same advice to Whitney, but she is convinced she needs to stay away from Chad so she won't hurt Simone. Theresa gets an idea of how to help her friends.

Vowing revenge, Beth sets Sheridan's cottage on fire. Luis and Sheridan find themselves in grave danger as they get trapped inside.

Friday, February 28

Relieved not to be going to jail, but looking to seek revenge on the Cranes, Theresa plans to give the family fortune away. Julian and Rebecca hope the informant will call soon with the goods on Theresa. Julian balks at Theresa's plan.

Miguel and Charity start to work things out, but they are interrupted when Kay has an "emergency".

At the cottage, Luis and Sheridan happily celebrate their reunion. Beth plots to kill Sheridan and Luis for the pain they've caused her.

Thursday, February 27

Kay is anxious to learn witchcraft so she can split up Charity and Miguel for good. Tabitha explains to Kay about her powers. Meanwhile, Miguel and Charity bond over Antonio's recovery. Miguel vows never to give up on Charity.

Simone tells an impressed Kay about how her fake suicide attempt got Chad and Whitney to break up.

Eve relents to Ivy's blackmail and doesn't send her to the hospital. Grace is upset Ivy will continue to stay at her home, making Eve feel guilty about betraying her friend.

As handcuffs are placed on Theresa, she and Whitney both try hard to get Ethan to see that Theresa didn't push Ivy. Theresa insists Ethan doesn't know what his mother is truly capable of. Ethan remains unconvinced.

Friday, March 7, 2003
A nurse excuses Brady so she can check Chloe's vitals and she wakes up, concerned to learn that Nancy still hasn't given birth. Anxious and alone, she gets up and leaves to see Nancy. Meanwhile, Nancy overhears that Chloe is scared about her transplant and wants to go see her daughter. Brady shows up just as Nancy's water breaks and she goes into active labor; he rushes to tell Chloe, but he's alarmed when he finds her bed empty. Nancy overhears when Brady tells Craig that Chloe is missing. Brady finds Chloe and brings her to the birthing suite just in time to witness her sister's birth. Nancy and Craig give Chloe the honor of naming the baby and she chooses the name Joy because the little girl has already brought so much joy to their lives...
Odell P. Smith introduces himself to John as Ops and has brought John the latest in spy gadgets for his quest against Tony DiMera. Ops is impressed by John's spy room, but John is not thrilled that Ops is sticking his nose into his personal life. John decides to utilize Ops' sophisticated bugging and surveillance breaking devices to get into the DiMera Mansion and finally get the goods on Tony...

Brandon comes home from work to find a romantic lunch prepared by Sami. Touched, he wants to take her out to a romantic dinner; she goes over to ask Lucas to keep Will overnight and Nurse Deb answers the door. Sami is furious that Lucas has a problem with her living with Brandon while he's hosting a nurse playground in the apartment. Meanwhile, Victor continues to make Nicole's life miserable and demands she take off a red sweater he doesn't like. She runs off to Brandon and asks to borrow some money. His curiosity is piqued, but Nicole covers why she needs cash. Nico brings Nicole home and Victor reveals that she's been replaced at Titan so she can spend all her time making Victor happy. Sami returns to Brandon; upset off her argument with Lucas and learning that Nicole stopped by, she distracts Brandon by seducing him...

Thursday, March 6, 2003
John lays down some ground rules about Tony's involvement with Marlena now that they will be raising the twins together. He warns Tony not to use the twins to lure Marlena into his family. Meanwhile, Marlena visits Cassie and Rex at the dorm and is in awe of their increasing intelligence. She asks them out to breakfast, but they are supposed to meet Tony for brunch. Marlena goes to meet John and they tell each other about their meetings. They're surprised when Cassie shows up and invites Marlena to join them for brunch. John urges her to go, but quietly tells her to be careful. Rex arrives at the mansion and bluntly asks Tony if he loves Marlena. Tony hedges the question, but Rex gets his answer when Tony's face lights up as Marlena walks through the door with Cassie. Meanwhile, John confides in Kate everything that they've learned about the twins and his plan to stop Tony from luring Marlena into the DiMera family. When Kate exits the office, a man arrives to help John bring down Tony DiMera...

Brady and Craig try to comfort Chloe as she starts her treatments in preparation for her bone marrow transplant. Meanwhile, Nancy's impatience grows because she is still in labor. When she hears that Chloe is scared about her treatment, Nancy insists on visiting her. Craig refuses because Nancy is in labor, but Nancy threatens to see Chloe with or without his help...

Lucas rants to Kate during breakfast about Brandon moving in with Sami. Roman arrives and surprises Kate when he supports Lucas' stance, agreeing that it could be detrimental to Will. Kate calls Roman a hypocrite and he abruptly leaves in a panic when she hints at marriage; she tells Lucas she thinks it'll never happen with Roman because he's the nicest man she's ever been with. After Kate leaves, Lucas runs into a nurse from the hospital and they hit it off, heading out together. Later, Roman meets up with Kate at her office and apologizes for running out earlier. He doesn't want to be a hypocrite and thinks maybe they should break up, but she doesn't want to let him go and takes him into her office to make love...

Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Rex is looking for Belle and finds Mimi, sick as a dog, in Belle's bed. She's glad to see Rex, but he's upset when he learns that Belle is with Shawn. Mimi picks up on this and he admits that Belle is his sister. Cassie returns from the police station, where she was looking for Shawn, and Mimi tells her to leave Shawn alone. Cassie wonders why Mimi won't tell her where Shawn is and she throws a picture frame when Mimi blurts that they're probably having sex. Rex tells Cassie to pull it together and suggests she go back to the mansion. When Mimi spills cough syrup on Rex's shirt, she strips the shirt off of him and his body turns her on...

Shawn and Belle reunite at the pier and he explains why he's been released. He apologizes profusely for pulling away from Belle and promises he only did it because he didn't want to make her an accessory. Still hurt that Cassie was Shawn's confidante, Belle thinks the tension between her and Cassie will only escalate now that they are half-sisters. Shawn tries to reassure Belle that adding Rex and Cassie to her family doesn't change anything, but Belle is not convinced. Cassie goes to the pier and spots Belle and Shawn so close together and runs off in the other direction...

Nancy's labor continues as Chloe prepares to be admitted for her bone marrow transplant. It dawns on Chloe that she won't be able to have any physical contact for a while, so she grabs Brady and takes him home to make love. Craig pages Brady and they're forced to return to the hospital because it's time to start her treatment...

Tuesday, March 4, 2003
Belle refuses to believe that Marlena and Tony are Cassie and Rex's parents, but John confirms the validity of it. Tony promises Cassie/Rex the family they've longed for, but Cassie thinks they can't be a family because Tony and Marlena aren't married. Marlena and Brady attempt to explain that there is more to being a family than just a marriage and she tells the twins they have a place in her family. Cassie doesn't buy it because John hates them, but he promises to love them because they are Marlena's children. Marlena makes inroads with Cassie and Rex when she tells them about remembering a cloaked figure taking her babies away on a boat as she screamed for them and they finally embrace her as their mother; Belle has a hard time with this and runs out. Brady privately commends his father on how well he's taking this and John says he'll accept the twins for Marlena's sake, but still vows to bring down Tony. Meanwhile, Tony vows to take care of his family, making Marlena shiver as she realizes she is part of that family...

Bo and Hope are visiting Shawn when DA Palmer bursts in, furious that his no visitors order has been defied. Bo and Palmer go head to head, but Abe and Roman break it up with news that they found the murder weapon where Larry said it would be. Palmer accuses the Bradys of covering up again and Roman threatens Palmer to back down. Bo overhears Roman going to bat for Shawn and is touched. Shawn's released and rushes to Belle's dorm room, but finds Mimi sick in Belle's bed. He fills her in on everything and when Belle calls Mimi, she tells Shawn where she is and he races out. Bo and Hope return home where construction is being done to repair all the damage. Hope's extremely unsettled to be back in the house, but Bo promises that she is safe and protected. He sends the workers home and tells Hope he thinks they should spend the night in the house and try to expel her demons with Larry. Bo wants to fill her mind with happy memories and carries her upstairs...

Jack and Jennifer desperately try to find a spin on Shawn's story to help him with public opinion. Harold interrupts with mail and Jennifer finds a letter from her father, saying he's sent her a surprise that should arrive soon. Jennifer learns that Shawn has been released and that Larry has confessed to Colin's murder. She stops the presses and they scramble to rewrite the front page. As they wait for the revised paper to be printed, Jack and Jennifer celebrate by making love on her desk...